Saturday, 10 September 2011

3F Glen Loy (17)

For my class Service Learning project, we were tasked to bake cupcakes, put them on sale and use the money from the sales to provide for the needy. Since Teachers' day was approaching, we took advantage of it and sold the cupcakes to students who would then give to their teachers. The result was 8 hours of baking, packing and labeling and more than 420 cupcakes to be delivered. I would never forget the strong aroma of cupcakes that filled the air and the fun, joy and laughter we shared in the process of achieving our goal.

Through Service Learning, I have learnt that perseverance is critical for success as there is always the temptation to slack off at times.  I did experienced the temptation that was trying to take control of me but told myself, 'the faster I get this done, the faster I get a good break.', and then continued baking again.  We should always try to help the unfortunate as everyone in Singapore is part of the country, one for all, all for one.

One of the obstacles we faced during the process is when a batch of cupcake mix is made wrongly and we have to throw it away. It was very demoralizing but we always overcome and think of it as unfortunate. We all knew we could not avoid the inevitable fact that we will lose a batch of cupcake mix, and decided to trade grief with motivation by trying again. We would console one another after a loss of a batch or if the cupcakes were not baked properly. We all knew how failure is like because we had gone through it and knew how those who failed feel about their effort going to waste.

The best part of service learning is when we work together as a class and give the best effort we can. When the class works together, work that require a lot of time for individual effort can be done in a very short time and how short depends on teamwork and cohesiveness of the entire class. To complete more than 420 cupcakes in 8 hours require so much effort and I think the combine effort of the class is the reason we have made it happen. From this service learning experience, and through all the highs and lows, I have learnt to let go of the unfortunate happenings and continue the effort. Also, teamwork can create wonders because two men are better than one.

Will I want to stay involved in the community during your college and adult years? Yes, of course as I think we should try to give back to society and do whatever we can whenever the opportunity arises to help those who are less fortunate. Who knows if the person I helped today becomes the role model of tomorrow?

I am truly proud of my class for being such wonderful bakers and for being patient during the toughest times. No doubts there were frustrating times when things go wrong but through the sweat and hard work put in for Service Learning, the bond of friendship has certainly made us understood each other better and I hope we will be given the opportunity to work together again.

Nil Sine Labore

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